Monday, March 22, 2010

Bad Boys Bad Boys, What'cha Gonna Do?

Last week I received a private message from one of my male loyal blog readers. After lots of gratuitous compliments and flatteries (a wise man indeed!), he asked me why women are always attracted to bad boys. I think an unspoken and implied ending to that question was also there asking “…and what can a nice guy do to become one?”

Ah, the age old dilemma… ask any woman what she wants in a man and she will invariably tell you she wants someone who respects her, treats her well, who loves her for herself etc. But time and again the nice guy who sits patiently, catering to her every need, attentive to her every wish and command is relegated to “just friend” status when she finds herself smitten with the newest bad boy on the block and Mr. Nice Guy ends up being the shoulder she cries on as she desperately waits by the phone for the Bad Boy’s promised call.

So exactly what is it about this guy that can generate such interest from her, while the guy who is everything she said she wants gets kicked to the side?

Guys, pay attention, here are some of the major reasons:

1. Confidence

Bad boys have boatloads of confidence, they reek of it, in fact they can be downright arrogant, and like it or not, that’s an aphrodisiac. This confidence also tends to manifest itself in dangerous activities. Bad Boys drive motorcycles or racecars or jump out of planes. They live life in the fast lane and show no fear.

2. Looks

I am not saying all bad boys are good looking, often they aren’t. But they ALWAYS act like they are and they know how to carry themselves, how to highlight what women will notice, they generally are very masculine, and usually appear to take care of themselves physically. Part of this may be that bad boys are not usually “white collar professionals.” They do hard manual labor, and the same strength and enthusiasm that they expend at work, they apply to play also.

3. They Don’t Play by the Rules

Generally bad boys make up their own rules. They don’t feel an obligation to fit the norm, to conform, to play nice in the sandbox with others. They are natural leaders and have the courage to be different. This is part of what makes them such magnetic personalities, it’s also what makes them frustrating. They won’t feel an obligation to call when they say they will. They don’t feel like its wrong to use a girl and then drop her like a hot potato as soon as someone else catches their attention. They don’t feel like a relationship is something to be sought after.

4. Sexual Chemistry

Bad boys generate it, nice guys, not so much. Picture a little boy asking a little girl if he can carry her books to school. – Yes, Yes it’s cute. But now picture a little boy running up behind the little girl, yanking her pigtails, calling her names and running away… That’s the little boy who sparks the little girl’s interest. He engaged her in an unusual way which made her notice him more. He stood out from all the other boys in his approach. He gave her attention and then…HE RAN AWAY! Mysterious. Intriguing. Hard to get. (see next item)

5. The Thrill of the Chase

Let’s face it, we all want what we can’t have or can’t easily get. Rare things such as gold or jewels are held in much higher value than common place items. Nice guys give compliments effusively and constantly and therefore they mean little to us. Nice guys offer up themselves to be used (Need help moving? I’ll be right there! Need someone to change your oil in your car? Let me please!) without asking for much, if anything in return. Bad boys don’t give girls compliments or offer to drop everything to help a girl in need, in fact they generally ignore us. They make us chase them. They make us work to get their attention. And the harder we have to work to get it, the more exciting and valuable it seems to be when we do achieve it, and then guess what? It’s GONE again! Ah yes, the bad boy leads us on a merry little chase and can never quite be caught.

There is so much more to discuss about this subject…Girls, what is your take on the issue of “Bad Boys” vs. “Nice Guys”? The movies would have you believe that if the nice guy is just patient enough, the girl will reject the bad boy and come back to the nice guy in the end. I say Bull$hit! What do you think? Guys?

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